NGC6826 the blinking planetary nebula - 9.25" vs. Hubble, Xinran Li

NGC6826 the blinking planetary nebula - 9.25" vs. Hubble



Acquisition details



NGC6826, a.k.a. the blinking planetary, is a planetary nebula located in Cygnus close to Lyra, assigned also as Caldwell 15. With an apparent magnitude of 8.8 and an angular size of merely about 30 arcsec, the nebula has high surface brightness suitable of imaging even in Bortle 9+ heavily light-polluted areas. This image was taken with Celestron EdgeHD 9.25" telescope under a bright sky of 16.80 magnitude per square arcsec (more than 100 times brighter than natural sky background), with a total effective exposure of 38 minutes. A Hubble image pasted from the APP skyguide was shown for detail comparison. Although at a much lower resolution, the 9.25" SCT collected most major details of the nebula shown by the Hubble image.



NGC6826 the blinking planetary nebula - 9.25" vs. Hubble, Xinran Li