Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Coma Berenices (Com)  ·  Contains:  NGC 4712  ·  NGC 4725
NGC 4725 (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Robotic Telescope), Mark Germani
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NGC 4725 (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Robotic Telescope)

NGC 4725 (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Robotic Telescope), Mark Germani
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NGC 4725 (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Robotic Telescope)



Acquisition details



More galactic goodness from the recently and lamentably retired RASC Robotic Telescope, this time from the main telescope - a RCOS 16" f/9 Carbon Tube Ritchey-Chrétien, connected to a SBIG STX-16803 camera, imaging from a dark site in California.

NGC 4725, notably imaged by Spitzer , is a barred spiral galaxy in Coma Berenices, and was imaged by RASC in April 2020. As with my recent image of M106, NGC 4725 is another Seyfert galaxy. NGC 4712 is included in the frame, but at 216.8 Mly does not interact with NGC 4725 (67 Mly).

In terms of processing, there were a LOT of dust-donuts that did not calibrate out with the flats. I ended up relying heavily on Photoshop to combine two different stretched images and apply masking to the dust-donuts to selectively stretch to match the background - there was one right on the galaxy itself which took a good deal of finessing.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 4725 (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Robotic Telescope), Mark Germani

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