Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Draco (Dra)  ·  Contains:  NGC 5981  ·  NGC 5982  ·  NGC 5985
NGC 5985 and the "Draco Trio", Jim Thommes
NGC 5985 and the "Draco Trio"
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NGC 5985 and the "Draco Trio"

NGC 5985 and the "Draco Trio", Jim Thommes
NGC 5985 and the "Draco Trio"
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NGC 5985 and the "Draco Trio"



Acquisition details



This grouping of galaxies is sometimes called the Draco Trio - from left to right is NGC 5985 , NGC 5982, NGC5981. Their distances (by redshift) are 118, 140, 118 million light years. The little galaxy above NGC 5982 is at a distance of 959 million light years. This image is a 1.5x crop form the original full FOV image.

The full FOV image is somewhat larger and also captures NGC 5976 and  UGC 9934 (also known as NGC 5976A) to the right side of the full FOV image.  There are noticeable background galaxies seen on the full size image. There are multiple Quasars in this image (as seen on the annotated image) - the furthest of which has a redshift of  3.987 (light travel time or Lookback of 12.15 billion years). These objects, information,  and some of the brighter stars are identified in the pan and zoom full size annotated image on my website.

Also on my website is the full FOV pan and zoom image - Full FOV image



  • Final
    NGC 5985 and the "Draco Trio", Jim Thommes
    NGC 5985 and the "Draco Trio", Jim Thommes
    NGC 5985 and the "Draco Trio", Jim Thommes


Title: "Draco Trio" - Full FOV image with NGC 5976 and NGC 5976A (UGC 9934)

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Title: "Draco Trio" - Full FOV Annotated image with NGC 5976 and NGC 5976A (UGC 9934 )

Description: ANNOTATED Full FOV

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Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 5985 and the "Draco Trio", Jim Thommes

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