Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Virgo (Vir)  ·  Contains:  IC 3583  ·  M 90  ·  NGC 4569  ·  NGC 4584
M90 in Virgo, Jim Thommes
M90 in Virgo
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M90 in Virgo, Jim Thommes
M90 in Virgo
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Acquisition details



RGB data comes from the data acquired with the MN152 Mak-Newt 2020-03-27.

M90 is the dominant galaxy in this image - a Seyfert type two classed as SAB(rs)ab. The full size image has an image scale of 0.76 arcsec/pixel. M90 is one of the members of the Virgo cluster and is located in the constellation of Virgo. Immediately to its right is IC3583, a dwarf irregular galaxy. The two galaxies supposedly constitute a pair with M90 being dominant and IC3583 a satellite. Some have disputed an interaction between the two - mainly because the estimated distance of M90 has a wide variance from 37 to 60 million light years. Also, M90 has the unusual characteristic of a negative redshift (meaning it is actually blue shifted). IC3583 has a normal redshift relative to its independent distance estimate. These objects and some of the brighter stars are identified in the annotated image.
