Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Aries (Ari)  ·  Contains:  The constellation Aries (Ari)  ·  The star 35Ari  ·  The star 41Ari  ·  The star Hamal (αAri)  ·  The star Mesarthim (γ2Ari)  ·  The star Sheratan (βAri)  ·  The star γ1Ari  ·  The star εAri  ·  The star κAri  ·  The star λAri
The Golden Fleece, Ireneusz Nowak (iro)
The Golden Fleece
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The Golden Fleece

The Golden Fleece, Ireneusz Nowak (iro)
The Golden Fleece
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The Golden Fleece



Acquisition details



Golden Fleece - the skin (with fur) of the mythical winged golden ram Chrysomallos - the goal of the Argonauts' expedition. It was hung on an oak tree in Ares' grove, where it was guarded by a dragon. Jason took them from there.
Chrysomallos was exiled by Zeus to the fleeing children of Atmas - Helle and Frixos. Frixus sacrificed him to Zeus.
I always thought that Aries, which is my zodiacal sign, has just few unpopular galaxies and a very bright Hamal only. But it turns out that I found the famous Golden Fleece there. It is a pity that there are so few photos of this region.
One of the main goals of my autumn trip to the Bieszczady Mountains, finally released 🙂
Roztoki Górne, Samyang 135mm + NikonD610mod. 54x120s


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Golden Fleece, Ireneusz Nowak (iro)

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Samyang 135 f/2