Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  NGC 6357  ·  the War and Peace Nebula
NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula in Scorpius - BW Ha, Martin Junius
NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula in Scorpius - BW Ha
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NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula in Scorpius - BW Ha

NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula in Scorpius - BW Ha, Martin Junius
NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula in Scorpius - BW Ha
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NGC 6357 - Lobster Nebula in Scorpius - BW Ha



Acquisition details



IAS - Internationale Amateursternwarte e.V. - Hakos Observatory, Namibia
IAS Remote Telescope "Dieter"

Data acquisition: IAS remote team / Martin Junius

Some black and white H-alpha while the moon is occupying the night. Some time to go before I can take additional RGB OIII SII.
