Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  HD216102  ·  HD216380  ·  HD216425  ·  HD216532  ·  HD216629  ·  HD216658  ·  HD216711  ·  HD216898  ·  HD217035  ·  HD217061  ·  HD217086  ·  HD217099  ·  HD217312  ·  HD217463  ·  HD217657  ·  HD217730  ·  HD217872  ·  HD217966  ·  HD217979  ·  HD218066  ·  HD218139  ·  HD218229  ·  HD218342  ·  HD218450  ·  LBN 522  ·  LBN 524  ·  LBN 527  ·  LBN 529  ·  LDN 1211  ·  LDN 1212  ·  And 5 more.
Sh2-155 Cave Nebula SHO+RGB, Randy Lindstrom
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Sh2-155 Cave Nebula SHO+RGB

Sh2-155 Cave Nebula SHO+RGB, Randy Lindstrom
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Sh2-155 Cave Nebula SHO+RGB



Acquisition details



Sh2-155 (also Caldwell 9, Cave Nebula) is categorized as an emission nebula but is contained within a much larger nebula complex that includes emission, reflection and dark nebulosity.  To Patrick Moore, the bright portion of the nebulosity resembled the mouth of a cave prompting him to use the name when he compiled his Caldwell catalogue in 1995 -- even though a nearby unrelated reflection nebula, CED 201 (also in Cepheus) was already known as the Cave Nebula.  Today, the twice-used name has become more associated with Sh2-155.   (Source:  Wikipedia)

The Cave Nebula by itself is a rather small target for my much wider field of view.  I felt that the extended nebulosity surrounding the Cave however was interesting and that it provides a natural extension to be viewed with this deep sky object.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Sh2-155 Cave Nebula SHO+RGB, Randy Lindstrom

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