Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sculptor (Scl)  ·  Contains:  NGC 300
NGC 300 (Caldwell 70), Daniel Stern
NGC 300 (Caldwell 70)
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NGC 300 (Caldwell 70)

NGC 300 (Caldwell 70), Daniel Stern
NGC 300 (Caldwell 70)
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NGC 300 (Caldwell 70)



Acquisition details



NGC 300 is a bright spiral galaxy located in Sculptor approximately 6.5 million light years from Earth. It is thought to be similar to, although smaller than, our own Milky Way Galaxy. The spiral arms are full of young blue stars with H alpha regions interspersed throughout the galaxy. Although it appears to be face-on, it’s actually inclined at an angle of 42 degrees. It is gravitationally interacting with nearby NGC 55.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 300 (Caldwell 70), Daniel Stern