Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Serpens (Ser)  ·  Contains:  Eagle Nebula  ·  IC 4703  ·  M 16  ·  NGC 6611  ·  Star Queen
M16 The Eagle Nebula, Deep Space Photons
M16 The Eagle Nebula
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M16 The Eagle Nebula

M16 The Eagle Nebula, Deep Space Photons
M16 The Eagle Nebula
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M16 The Eagle Nebula



Acquisition details



This is old data from my old house. I only got a handful of subs and forgot about it. While looking for something else I found these subs and decided to see what I had. This is actually the 3rd time I have processed it.

I find myself doing less and less processing and getting what I think are better results. Due to the trees at the new house I don't know if I'll ever shoot this again... or anything else to the south or east.


Sky plot

Sky plot


M16 The Eagle Nebula, Deep Space Photons

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