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T CrB on the Seestar S50, David McClain

T CrB on the Seestar S50

Getting plate-solving status, please wait...
T CrB on the Seestar S50, David McClain

T CrB on the Seestar S50



Acquisition details



Was reading some posts about T CrB on CloudyNights today... Here's one from last month.

The panel on the left shows all the star detections in this image. T CrB is highlighted with its magnitude showing 9.9, after aligning my scale to the AAVSO chart on the right. The detections go all the way down to mag ≈16 at the 5σ level. Of course the garbage along the bottom comes from stacking artifacts and should be ignored.

You have to mentally rotate the chart counter-clockwise  by about 65 degrees (North to the left) to see it line up with the image from the Seestar. I should work on a doing a display where I can rotate my images to make life easier when comparing to charts.



T CrB on the Seestar S50, David McClain