Contains:  Solar system body or event
Testing shots of the sun on April 16th 2020, Tommi R

Testing shots of the sun on April 16th 2020

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Testing shots of the sun on April 16th 2020, Tommi R

Testing shots of the sun on April 16th 2020

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Testing of the imaging setup. 12 bit acquisition. Gain 130-140 in Firecapture. 4000 frames in each video. Stacked best 10 % in Autostakkert. Still trying to find suitable post processing settings for the setup.

Positive note: I was not anticipating my SolarQuest mount to do so well with this setup as the total mass is around 6.2 kg. Its a capable little mount when adjusted a bit.
