Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  1 Cas  ·  2 Cas  ·  4 Cas  ·  AR Cas  ·  Bubble Nebula  ·  IC 1470  ·  M 52  ·  NGC 7354  ·  NGC 7380  ·  NGC 7419  ·  NGC 7429  ·  NGC 7510  ·  NGC 7538  ·  NGC 7635  ·  NGC 7654  ·  PK107+02.1  ·  PK107-00.1  ·  PK108+00.1  ·  PK110+01.1  ·  PK110-00.1  ·  PK110-01.1  ·  PK111-02.1  ·  PK112-00.1  ·  Sh2-144  ·  Sh2-146  ·  Sh2-147  ·  Sh2-148  ·  Sh2-149  ·  Sh2-152  ·  Sh2-153  ·  And 13 more.
Wide Field in Cepheus - The cave nebula and friends, Cfosterstars
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Wide Field in Cepheus - The cave nebula and friends

Wide Field in Cepheus - The cave nebula and friends, Cfosterstars
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Wide Field in Cepheus - The cave nebula and friends



Acquisition details



Wide Field image in Cepheus including the popular Cave Nebula (Sh2-155), Lobster Nebula (NGC 6357), and Bubble Nebula (Sharpless 162, NGC 7638). This is SHO using my Canon ES135mm lens, ASI1600MM-COOL and Astrodon 5nm Ha, OIII and SII filters.

This is part of the Milky Way with many DSO targets. The major ones are the Cave Nebula (Sh2-155), Lobster Nebula (NGC63567), and Bubble Nebula (Sharpless 162, NGC7538). There are many other smaller Sharpless catalog targets (i.e., Sh2-144, Sh2-146, Sh2-147, Sh2-148, Sh2-149, Sh2-152, Sh2-153, Sh2-154, Sh2-156, Sh2-157, Sh2-158, Sh2-159, Sh2-161, Sh2-162, Sh2-163); Planetary Nebula (PK107+02.1, PK107-00.1, PK108+00.1, PK110+01.1, PK110-00.1, PK110-01.1, PK111-02.1, PK112-00.1, NGC7354) and open clusters (M52, NGC7419, NGC7429, NGC7510) and emission nebula (NGC 7538).


Sky plot

Sky plot


Wide Field in Cepheus - The cave nebula and friends, Cfosterstars