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The Veil SNR - 2 panel mosaic in one night, Bray Falls

The Veil SNR - 2 panel mosaic in one night

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The Veil SNR - 2 panel mosaic in one night, Bray Falls

The Veil SNR - 2 panel mosaic in one night



Acquisition details



I captured this image from the new observatory with the RASA8 and a OSC camera plus a dual narrowband filter. Very happy with the amount of depth achieved in a short time with the fast optics and dark skies! It is refreshing to shoot a bright target like this one as well, but even though it is super bright, it still contains plenty of hidden low surface brightness details which would require much more integration to show well! 

Here is the scope as it was running last night before sunrise! If you're interested to learn more about our observatory, please visit our website here:

(ps I am living at the observatory full time for the next several months to install telescopes and get things running! This is why you will see much more photos from me)



The Veil SNR - 2 panel mosaic in one night, Bray Falls