Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Carina (Car)  ·  Contains:  NGC 2516
The Southern Beehive NGC2516  ( or the Running Man...), Wes Smith
The Southern Beehive NGC2516  ( or the Running Man...)
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The Southern Beehive NGC2516 ( or the Running Man...)

Revision title: NGC2516 The Southern Beehive Cluster

The Southern Beehive NGC2516  ( or the Running Man...), Wes Smith
The Southern Beehive NGC2516  ( or the Running Man...)
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The Southern Beehive NGC2516 ( or the Running Man...)

Revision title: NGC2516 The Southern Beehive Cluster



Acquisition details



Ever since I star pushed my 10" ATm Dob using a 32 mm gun finder scope to this Lovely open cluster I have always seen a Running Man with the 2 brightest Yellow giants denoteing his feet.
At Mag 3.79 ,on Autumn nights it is sits  naked eye separated and distinct below the Southern Milky Way which streaks from horizon to horizon .This cluster sits at 1300 light years distant and is about 400 light years in diamenter consisting  of 400 stella members.



  • The Southern Beehive NGC2516  ( or the Running Man...), Wes Smith
  • Final
    The Southern Beehive NGC2516  ( or the Running Man...), Wes Smith


Title: NGC2516 The Southern Beehive Cluster

Description: This bright cluster itself is easily visible with the naked eye as a hazy patch off the side of the Milky way in a much less Star dense area, but is resolvable into stars using binoculars. It contains two 5th magnitude red giant stars and three main visual double stars: HJ 4027, HJ 4031 and I 29. A small telescope would be required to split the double stars, which are all pairs of 8-9 magnitude and 1-10 arcseconds separation.
To me it looks like a man running when viewed through the 20" F5 "Zamar" and a 31mm Nagler EP.
This revision due to the back ground being to dark on the original. A favourite stop in a Southern Milky way tour.
Awe and Wonder folks !

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The Southern Beehive NGC2516  ( or the Running Man...), Wes Smith