Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn)  ·  Contains:  M 63  ·  NGC 5055  ·  Sunflower Galaxy
Messier 63, Tom Johnson
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Messier 63

Messier 63, Tom Johnson
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Messier 63



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Messier 63, also known as the Sunflower Galaxy, is a stunning spiral galaxy located in the constellation Canes Venatici, about 27 million light-years away from Earth. Named for its resemblance to a sunflower with its spiral arms resembling the flower's petals, Messier 63 is a captivating celestial object that has fascinated astronomers for centuries.This galaxy is notable for its bright nucleus and prominent spiral arms, which are adorned with patches of bright, young blue stars, along with dark lanes of dust and gas. These features make Messier 63 a popular target for amateur astronomers and astrophotographers.The Sunflower Galaxy is classified as a grand design spiral galaxy, meaning its spiral arms are well-defined and tightly wound around its nucleus. This classification indicates that Messier 63 likely experiences strong gravitational interactions that help maintain its spiral structure.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Messier 63, Tom Johnson

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