These are the users that follow Alberto Mimmi mutually.
xamad Gianni Cerrato 78457502
Gottfried Gottfried Meissner 270474544
MarcoBuster Marco 17910
Rolf-L Rolf Lins 000
christian.hennes Christian HENNES 238468325
gianluc1 Gianluca Belgrado 101280914444
sky-watcher sky-watcher (johny) 2631235242
Lotz Markus A. R. Langlotz 31711681007
nonsens2 nonsens2 1001263630
pstein Peter Stein 382721
keesscherer Kees Scherer 1595814002
Stefano_Minelli Stefano Minelli 30115252
Deep_Sky Daniel Nobre 25715053515
AnttiJii AnttiJii 445728
wall valérie fabé del giovane 368599
Cespe Stefano Mantoan 60207438
gnotisauton84 gnotisauton84 43128184
Moni Moni 19200327
astroteam Günther Eder 5808713443
L14 Starblazer 4361137
carlocolombo Carlo Colombo 865302150
Richard_Bratt Richard Bratt 235225206
RRBBarbosa Ruben Barbosa 21915901769
CBE CBE 101761
friggio77 Frigeri Massimiliano 149297620