
Optics and cameras

ASA 500N Planewave 17″ CDK Skywatcher 150x750 f/5 The Liverpool Telescope 16" f3.75 Dream Astrograph 16" f/3.7 Newton telescope AP175 Planewave CDK 14 12.5" f/9 Quasar Ritchey Chretien Astro-Physics 130 GTX ASA Astrosysteme ASA20NG-OK3 f 3,6 Chandra X-Ray Observatory Las Cumbres Observatory Astro-Physics RH305 SkyWatcher 130/650 PDS Newton William Optics FLT 110 Hubble Space Telescope ASA - Astro Systeme Austria ASA 10' Skywatcher Esprit 80 ED Triplet Super Apo GSO 8" f/5 Newton Samyang 135mm f/2 ED UMC TPO RC8 Orion 254/1000 Newtonian Astrograph Takahashi FSQ106N f/5 Telescope 33 - 16" Astro Systeme Austria (ASA) Fast Newtonian Astrograph F/3.8 TS Powernewton 8" f2.8 Ritchey-Chretien 32 William Optics ZS110 @ f/ 4,7 Takahashi FSQ 106ED AG Optical iDK 10 inch F6.7 ASA 500N Astro-Physics StarFire EDT 175mm f/8 (4") Astrophysics Research Institute of Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool Telescope Boren-Simon 8" f/2.8 PowerNewt Celestron EdgeHD 14" Dream Aerospace Systems 16" f3.75 Dream Astrograph Officina Stellare RH200 AT Planewave CDK12.5 Planewave CDK24 RCOS 12.5" f/9 Carbon Truss Ritchey-Chrétien RCOS 12.5" f/9 Carbon Tube Ritchey-Chrétien RCOS 32" f/7 Carbon Tube Ritchey-Chrétien Rokinon 135mm T2.2 Cine DS Sky Rover 130mm APO Pro Takahashi FSQ-106ED Takahashi FSQ-106N fs02 EM01 Moravian G2-8300FW FLI ML16070 Canon 500d stock/qhy5II-c Atik 314L+, sensor -15..-18 ºC FLI ML16803 QSI 583 WSG Apogee Aspen CG16070 Astrophysics Research Institute of Liverpool John Moores University IO:O Atik 460EX Mono Atik One 6.0 Atik One 9.0 Mono FLI ML16200 FLI ML16803 FLI PL16083 FLI PL16803 FLI PL9000 JMU / TTL / Astro-Cam Liverpool Telescope RATCAM QSI 583ws QSI 583wsg QSI 640wsg-8 QSI 683wsg-8 SBIG ST-10XME SBIG STF-8300M SBIG STL-11000M SBIG STX-16803 SBIG STXL-16200 Liverpool Telescope IO:O ZWO ASI6200MC Pro ZWO ASI6200MM Pro No optics or no cameras Equipment images
ASA - Astro Systeme Austria ASA 10'