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I was born in 1970 in Vicenza, Italy, and I have been fascinated by the night sky since I was a child. At the age of 14 I took my first image of the night sky using my dad’s film camera, a simple tripod and a wide angle lens and I got hooked, astrop…
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Total integration time
256.8 hours
Average integration time
23.3 hours
Forum posts written
Comments written
Comments received
Likes received
Views received
Title | |||||
R-Aquarii, an explosive pair! | ... | 153 | 62 | 2 | 2 |
Sh2-82 Little Cocoon | ... | 266 | 80 | 2 | 4 |
Markarian Chain at high resolution | ... | 380 | 94 | 7 | 3 |
The Dorado Group | ... | 228 | 89 | 3 | 0 |
The Betta Fish Nebula (G296.5+10.0 Supernova Remnant) | ... | 3674 | 411 | 41 | 17 |
Halos in NGC 2899 & VBRC 2 | ... | 210 | 66 | 0 | 0 |
NGC 253: Silver Coin Galaxy | ... | 295 | 92 | 2 | 0 |
NGC247 The Needle's Eye galaxy | ... | 263 | 82 | 1 | 2 |
Galaxy cluster Abell 3754 | ... | 328 | 98 | 6 | 4 |
Peculiar Galaxy NGC1097 | ... | 297 | 95 | 5 | 0 |
Fox Fur, Cone and Christmas Tree | ... | 261 | 63 | 4 | 2 |
Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae | ... | 420 | 88 | 3 | 2 |
Galactic Shell Game NGC3923 | ... | 354 | 93 | 3 | 1 |
Galaxy Group Hickson 90 | ... | 397 | 77 | 6 | 0 |
Jets and shells in Centaurus A (NGC 5128) | ... | 782 | 148 | 15 | 7 |
Hydra Cluster Abell 1060 Starless | ... | 372 | 66 | 2 | 4 |
Abell 1060: The Hydra Cluster of Galaxies | ... | 923 | 119 | 12 | 0 |
the Witch Head Nebula | ... | 2155 | 274 | 22 | 15 |
M78 Interstellar dust cloud | ... | 747 | 148 | 10 | 8 |
Spiral Galaxy NGC 1398 | ... | 1534 | 224 | 8 | 10 |
NGC 1291 the Snow Collar Galaxy | ... | 557 | 100 | 6 | 2 |
Cometary Globule CG1 & CG2 | ... | 810 | 111 | 15 | 4 |
Gasses and Dust in Monoceros (IC447/IC446) | ... | 2092 | 342 | 43 | 16 |
The Dolphin Head Nebula SH2-308 | ... | 1024 | 176 | 11 | 4 |
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Please note: The following tables are updated every 24 hours.
Distinct awarded users | Total awarded images | |
Image of the day | ||
Top picks | ||
Top pick nominations |
Image of the day | Top pick | Top pick nominations | Total submitted | |
Deep sky | ||||
Solar system | ||||
Extremely wide field | ||||
Star trails | ||||
Northern lights | ||||
Noctilucent clouds | ||||
Landscape | ||||
Artificial satellite |
Image of the day | Top pick | Top pick nominations | Total submitted | |
Backyard | ||||
Traveller | ||||
Own remote observatory | ||||
Amateur hosting facility | ||||
Public amaeteur data | ||||
Professional, scientific grade data | ||||
Mix of multiple sources | ||||
Other | ||||
Unknown |
I was born in 1970 in Vicenza, Italy, and I have been fascinated by the night sky since I was a child. At the age of 14 I took my first image of the night sky using my dad’s film camera, a simple tripod and a wide angle lens and I got hooked, astrophotography bacome my lifelong passion!
Many years have passed since then and work and family led me to relocate to Asia, where I currently live with my family. Nowadays I shoot most of my planetary images from my home rooftop in Singapore while my deepsky images are taken remotely from observatories I set and manage directly (first in Australia and then in Chile, the latter shared with a couple of friends).
Over the years I got many images published in astronomy magazines and books around the globe and I got several images selected as APOD by NASA while others have been used by various scientific institutions and astronomy association and websites. I also won the 2011 “astronomy photographer of the year” competition by the Maritime Museum and Royal observatory of Greenwich in both the deep-sky and robotic sections and had other images shortlisted or running up in the following competition editions.
When I look back over the past three decades, I am amazed by how the technological evolution has redefined what amateurs can achieve, with results nowaday within the reach of relatively small instruments that were not even possible to be achieved back then even with the largest professional telescopes at the time.
Yet, one thing has never changed in me in all these years: the love I feel for the night sky and the desire to see through the immense distances that separate us from those glittering lights..