Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  4 Cep  ·  HD198236  ·  HD198385  ·  HD198737  ·  HD200099  ·  HD200775  ·  HD201651  ·  HD202181  ·  Iris Nebula  ·  LBN 468  ·  LBN 475  ·  LBN 483  ·  LBN 487  ·  LBN 495  ·  LDN 1147  ·  LDN 1148  ·  LDN 1155  ·  LDN 1157  ·  LDN 1158  ·  LDN 1167  ·  LDN 1168  ·  LDN 1170  ·  LDN 1171  ·  LDN 1172  ·  LDN 1173  ·  LDN 1174  ·  LDN 1177  ·  NGC 7023  ·  Sh2-136  ·  T Cep  ·  And 2 more.
The Dust around the Iris Nebula, Antoine Grelin
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The Dust around the Iris Nebula, Antoine Grelin
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Acquisition details



2 nights on the Iris Nebula from a Bortle 2 zone about 1.5 hours away from Las Vegas, NV.
My main goal was not to focus on the nebula itself but instead to reveal as much IFN as possible.

Telescope used is a 75mm refractor f/5.4.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Dust around the Iris Nebula, Antoine Grelin