Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  27 Cyg  ·  27 b01 Cyg  ·  28 Cyg  ·  28 b02 Cyg  ·  29 Cyg  ·  29 b03 Cyg  ·  36 Cyg  ·  B147  ·  HD190785  ·  HD190841  ·  HD190864  ·  HD190917  ·  HD190918  ·  HD190919  ·  HD190967  ·  HD191025  ·  HD191026  ·  HD191046  ·  HD191047  ·  HD191139  ·  HD191158  ·  HD191201  ·  HD191226  ·  HD191227  ·  HD191291  ·  HD191378  ·  HD191456  ·  HD191472  ·  HD191473  ·  HD191493  ·  And 475 more.
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An Ocean of Wonder - WR 134, Ali Alobaidly
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An Ocean of Wonder - WR 134

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An Ocean of Wonder - WR 134, Ali Alobaidly
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An Ocean of Wonder - WR 134



Acquisition details



Inner dialogue: 

"The AM5 is so portable, maybe I should take it with me on my trip to photograph the Bubble Nebula. My 2600MM will be occupied so I'll just take my OSC. I'll figure out what to image later, when I get there. I do have that dual-band though, might be interesting. How about that weird target I have saved somewhere. Ah, there it is, I wonder if it's out tonight. What, its near Cygnus! I can Image it all night, maybe tomorrow as well. Lets go!!"

Unexpected result if I'm completely honest, as you can see I was not even planning to Image this target let alone come up with these results. there is so much hydrogen in the frame. My only regret (Not really a regret) is that I didn't blast this with another 10 hours of Oiii. I want a piece of that blue in the middle. I will definitely revisit this target.


Sky plot

Sky plot


An Ocean of Wonder - WR 134, Ali Alobaidly