Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Triangulum (Tri)  ·  Contains:  IC 131  ·  IC 132  ·  IC 133  ·  IC 135  ·  IC 136  ·  IC 137  ·  IC 142  ·  IC 143  ·  M 33  ·  NGC 588  ·  NGC 592  ·  NGC 595  ·  NGC 598  ·  NGC 604  ·  PGC 1886693  ·  PGC 1916717  ·  PGC 1928851  ·  PGC 3084774  ·  PGC 3084776  ·  PGC 3084777  ·  PGC 3084782  ·  PGC 3089041  ·  PGC 3095531  ·  PGC 5694  ·  PGC 5899  ·  Triangulum Galaxy  ·  Triangulum Pinwheel
The Triangulum Galaxy, M33, Gary Crawford
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The Triangulum Galaxy, M33

The Triangulum Galaxy, M33, Gary Crawford
Powered byPixInsight

The Triangulum Galaxy, M33



Acquisition details



I managed 6.75 hrs RGB and just under 3 hrs Ha  over 2 nights (about 9 hrs 40 min integration) in November, 2023. This is also the result of my first attempt with Mike Cranfield's and Adam Block's NBColourMapper script in PixInsight. I used v.1.1 beta to add the Ha and there was quite a learning curve.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Triangulum Galaxy, M33, Gary Crawford