Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  B168  ·  Cocoon Nebula  ·  HD207529  ·  HD207608  ·  HD207886  ·  HD208362  ·  HD208728  ·  IC 5146  ·  LBN 424  ·  LDN 1042  ·  LDN 1055  ·  Sh2-125  ·  VdB147
IC 5146, Sh2 125, Caldwell 19  (Cocoon Nebula), Michael Urvina
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IC 5146, Sh2 125, Caldwell 19 (Cocoon Nebula)

IC 5146, Sh2 125, Caldwell 19  (Cocoon Nebula), Michael Urvina
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IC 5146, Sh2 125, Caldwell 19 (Cocoon Nebula)



Acquisition details



Discovered by astronomer Max Wolf in 1894, IC 5146 aka Sh2 125, is a open cluster in Cygnus, amid an emission nebula. There is also a dark and reflection nebula within the frame, known under various designations. 

After several attempts, my version resembles a bubblegum colored paintball shot at an old light-bright toy. Even so, it was a fun image to process.

Thanks for looking.


Sky plot

Sky plot


IC 5146, Sh2 125, Caldwell 19  (Cocoon Nebula), Michael Urvina