Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Pisces (Psc)  ·  Contains:  NGC 373  ·  NGC 375  ·  NGC 379  ·  NGC 380  ·  NGC 382  ·  NGC 383  ·  NGC 384  ·  NGC 385  ·  NGC 386  ·  NGC 387  ·  NGC 388  ·  NGC 390  ·  PGC 138313  ·  PGC 197569  ·  PGC 197570  ·  PGC 197571  ·  PGC 197572  ·  PGC 1979705  ·  PGC 1983816  ·  PGC 1985068  ·  PGC 1986562  ·  PGC 1986786  ·  PGC 1989343  ·  PGC 1992085  ·  PGC 1992625  ·  PGC 1993906  ·  PGC 1995971  ·  PGC 1996556  ·  PGC 1998992  ·  PGC 1999169  ·  And 5 more.
NGC 383  -  ARP 331 group of galaxies, Riedl Rudolf
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NGC 383 - ARP 331 group of galaxies

NGC 383  -  ARP 331 group of galaxies, Riedl Rudolf
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NGC 383 - ARP 331 group of galaxies



Acquisition details



NGC 383 is an eliptical galaxy in Pisces. The distance is about 235 mio Lj. The diameter is about 135.000 Lj or 2,0 x 1,7 arcmin.
Together with the galaxies NGC 375, NGC 379, NGC 380, NGC 382, NGC 384, NGC 385, NGC 386, NGC 387 and NGC 388 they form the Galaxygroup ARP 331
