Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  IC 1340  ·  NGC 6960  ·  NGC 6979  ·  NGC 6992  ·  NGC 6995  ·  The star 52 Cyg  ·  Veil Nebula
Veil Nebula Mosaic, Jeff Rothstein
Veil Nebula Mosaic
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Veil Nebula Mosaic

Revision title: Proper Narrowband Normalization Workflow

Veil Nebula Mosaic, Jeff Rothstein
Veil Nebula Mosaic
Powered byPixInsight

Veil Nebula Mosaic

Revision title: Proper Narrowband Normalization Workflow



Acquisition details



Here is a six-panel mosaic of the Veil Nebula, taken over two nights.  The Veil is a nearby remnant of a supernova that exploded 10,000 to 20,000 years ago and would have been easily visible during the daytime.  It spans an area 6 times the diameter of the full Moon--hence the multi-panel mosaic with my imaging rig.

To reduce background differences among the panels, I imaged some of each panel each night, and in a different order each night.  I only managed a couple of nights before the weather turned, and I wasn't able to return to this target before it sank behind my house.  Time on each panel was roughly equal.

This image was processed entirely in PixInsight.  It's my first upload processed with Blanshan and Cranfield's Narrowband Normalization process to produce a Hubble-like palette.

I followed the mosaic advice for BlurXterminator at https://www.rc-astro.com/blurxterminator-2-0-ai4-release/ and used Photometric Mosaic to create the mosaic.  Other key steps included separating the target and stars with StarXterminator; Local Histogram Equalization, Curves and Color Saturation; and ScreenStars to recombine the starless and stars images.

Please see my revision of this image, and related notes, for a much-improved image and an explanation of what I did wrong on this one.



  • Veil Nebula Mosaic, Jeff Rothstein
  • Final
    Veil Nebula Mosaic, Jeff Rothstein


Title: Proper Narrowband Normalization Workflow

Description: I made two critical mistakes processing the first version of this image. First, I used Spectrophotometric Color Calibration. Bill Blanshan advises not to use SPCC if using his Narrowband Normalization tools. Second, I thought I'd done an unlinked stretch, but the stretch I did was in fact linked.

This revision was processed without SPCC and stretched with "Bill's Unlinked Stretch v6", see notes to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6se3b1ZotMc. The differences between the two versions speak for themselves. Except for these two changes I strove to follow the same processes that I used the first time.

There's only so much I was able to do with the mottled background (due to low integration time, I believe), short of clipping it to black. I will aim to capture much more data next summer when the Veil is overhead, and use that to produce a Revision C.

I will leave my first version here so that others may learn from my mistake.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


Veil Nebula Mosaic, Jeff Rothstein

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