Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Coma Berenices (Com)  ·  Contains:  IC 3330  ·  NGC 4359  ·  NGC 4414
NGC 4414 & Deep surroundings, Mathieu Guinot
NGC 4414 & Deep surroundings
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NGC 4414 & Deep surroundings

NGC 4414 & Deep surroundings, Mathieu Guinot
NGC 4414 & Deep surroundings
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NGC 4414 & Deep surroundings



Acquisition details



NGC 4414 is a beautiful unbarred spiral galaxy located about 62 millions light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices.
It is a floculent spiral galaxy, with short segments of spiral structure but without the dramatic well-defined spiral arms of a grand design spiral.
NGC 4414 is a member of the Coma I group but  is also a very isolated galaxy without signs of past interactions with others galaxies.

I went deep into this very rich field to reveal the maximum of its surroundings as well as showing NGC4414's halo.
At the bottom center the spiral IC 3330, at the right up corner the edge-on spiral NGC 4359,  and a lot of PGC galaxies all other the field are quite remarquables.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 4414 & Deep surroundings, Mathieu Guinot