Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  Bubble Nebula  ·  HD220016  ·  HD220057  ·  HD220102  ·  HD220167  ·  LBN 533  ·  LBN 536  ·  LBN 537  ·  LBN 540  ·  LBN 542  ·  LBN 543  ·  LBN 544  ·  LBN 548  ·  LBN 549  ·  LDN 1225  ·  LDN 1231  ·  NGC 7538  ·  NGC 7635  ·  Sh2-157  ·  Sh2-158  ·  Sh2-159  ·  Sh2-162  ·  V Cas
SH2-157 | THE LOBSTER CLAW & THE BUBBLE NEBULA | LRGBSHO | Constellation Cassiopeia / Cepheus, Thomas ArtOfPix Großschmidt
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SH2-157 | THE LOBSTER CLAW & THE BUBBLE NEBULA | LRGBSHO | Constellation Cassiopeia / Cepheus

SH2-157 | THE LOBSTER CLAW & THE BUBBLE NEBULA | LRGBSHO | Constellation Cassiopeia / Cepheus, Thomas ArtOfPix Großschmidt
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SH2-157 | THE LOBSTER CLAW & THE BUBBLE NEBULA | LRGBSHO | Constellation Cassiopeia / Cepheus



Acquisition details



- Constellation Cassiopeia | Cepheus

The Hubbel palette with gold/turquoise coloring is actually the only SHO variant that I also like :-) Quite interesting for scientific purposes, because you can highlight certain structures and thus recognize them better - but it doesn't have much in common with the realistic RGB representation ^^ Nevertheless, also an optical “eye-catcher” in my opinion.

Sharpless 2-157, also known as the Lobster Scissors Nebula, is a bright emission nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is located not far south of the better-known Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635, top right). There are numerous other objects within the nebula, such as the planetary nebula PLN 110-0.1 in the center of the upper right quadrant. The bright patch of nebula near the center of the image is Lyns bright nebula 537 (LBN537), also known as Sharpless 2-157a. Above the lower pincer is the small star cluster Markarian 50 and above the upper pincer the bright star cluster is the open star cluster NGC 7510.
In cropped version still attached, the bubble nebula, NGC 7538, also called northern lagoon nebula with SH2-159 left above and a crop into the center of the lobster claw nebula :-)


Optics| Skywatcher Esprit 100 f/5 Refractor
CAM | QHY 268M
RGB | Antlia (V-Pro) R 20x 180s / G 20x 180s / B 10x 180s
NB | Antlia (3nm) ha61x 600s / SII 52x 600s / OIII 31x 600s
Mount| Skywatcher EQ6R-Pro
Observatory: Private - Hertford, North Carolina, USA
Observer: Brian Puhl / Remote telescope provider Insight Observatory
Image editing: Thomas ArtOfPix Großschmidt
Shooting conditions - clear nights under Bortle 4 sky.
