Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Canis Major (CMa)  ·  Contains:  HD48378  ·  HD48425  ·  HD48426  ·  HD48427  ·  HD48442  ·  HD48483  ·  HD48540  ·  HD48575  ·  HD48576  ·  HD48626  ·  HD48703  ·  HD48742  ·  HD48775  ·  HD48796  ·  HD48832  ·  HD48874  ·  HD48916  ·  HD48966  ·  HD49001  ·  HD49026  ·  HD49051  ·  HD49052  ·  HD49107  ·  HD49128  ·  HD49152  ·  HD49167  ·  HD49186  ·  HD49233  ·  HD49254  ·  HD49278  ·  And 5 more.
Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery, Uwe Deutermann
Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery, Uwe Deutermann

Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery

Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery, Uwe Deutermann
Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery, Uwe Deutermann

Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery



Acquisition details



Taking an inventory of the Messier objects that I targeted so far made me think about: what else do I have already. And since the Sharpless catalog is one of the more interesting ones, I decided to do an inventory on them as well. This took a while, there are quite some data collected since I (seriously) started in 2018. And to top it off, after I counted all of them I found out that this image is exactly the 100th Sharpless that I aimed at, so just in time to present the overall catalog in versions D, E and F.

Sh2-304 came to my attention when I saw Gary's (@Gary Imm) image (https://www.astrobin.com/1611ni/?nc=collection&nce=1924) not too long ago. It was just the perfect time, it is pretty far south in the sky, and I do not have a huge window between the houses and trees going that far south. And with the weather pattern still being not the greatest (to say the least) I had to take the opportunity.

This Sharpless is one of several that do not shine as nicely as several others, a typical Hα only area, so really not much to "play around" with. Stars for those images always important so that it does not become too boring.

Will I go now for all Sharpless images? In time, it will get filled up, I am pretty sure, but getting them all might be a stretch. The good thing: when I ask myself which target I should go for next, well, I will look at the overview images and can select the ones that are still showing an empty spot 😊.

Carpe Noctem!

* This image was not and will not be submitted for IOTD consideration



  • Final
    Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery, Uwe Deutermann
  • Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery, Uwe Deutermann
  • Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery, Uwe Deutermann
  • Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery, Uwe Deutermann
  • Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery, Uwe Deutermann
  • Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery, Uwe Deutermann


Title: Annotated image

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Title: Full frame version

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Title: Sharpless 001-100

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Title: Sharpless 101-200

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Title: Sharpless 201-313

Description: Welcome Sh2-304 to the family

Uploaded: ...

Sky plot

Sky plot


Sh2-304 in HαRGB - 100th Sharpless in my Gallery, Uwe Deutermann

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