Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  IC 446  ·  IC 447  ·  NGC 2245  ·  NGC 2247
Dreyer's Nebula, Evan Tsai
Dreyer's Nebula
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Dreyer's Nebula

Dreyer's Nebula, Evan Tsai
Dreyer's Nebula
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Dreyer's Nebula



Acquisition details



IC 447 is a reflection nebula located in the constellation Monoceros, also known as the Dreyer's Nebula. It is part of the Monoceros R1 nebula complex, an active star-forming region approximately 716 light-years away from Earth.

Unlike emission nebulae, reflection nebulae do not emit their own light but instead reflect the light from nearby young stars. The dust and gas in IC 447 primarily reflect the light from hot, blue stars nearby, which have a higher temperature than the Sun.

The appearance of IC 447 is bright and surrounded by a complex structure consisting of multiple dark nebulae and reflection nebulae, and it lies close to the well-known Cone Nebula (Christmas Tree Nebula).
