Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Andromeda (And)  ·  Contains:  NGC 404  ·  The star Mirach (βAnd)
Donatiello 1, Mirach's Goblin, Kees Scherer
Donatiello 1, Mirach's Goblin
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Donatiello 1, Mirach's Goblin

Donatiello 1, Mirach's Goblin, Kees Scherer
Donatiello 1, Mirach's Goblin
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Donatiello 1, Mirach's Goblin



Acquisition details



Donatiello I is named after its discoverer, Italian amateur astrophotographer Giuseppe Donatiello, and is abbreviated to "Do I". The galaxy's nickname, "Mirach's Goblin", is a reference to the nearby dwarf lenticular galaxy NGC 404, with which it may be physically associated. NGC 404 is nicknamed "Mirach's Ghost" due to its proximity to the second magnitude star Mirach.

Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donatiello_I

imaged during: 29,30,31 aug. 1,2,3,4,26,27,28,29,30 sep 2019.

The image data stacks have been submitted to Giuseppe Donatiello to be used/combined with other data to obtain a deep, collaboration image.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Donatiello 1, Mirach's Goblin, Kees Scherer

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