Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Virgo (Vir)  ·  Contains:  IC 3386  ·  NGC 4458  ·  NGC 4461  ·  PGC 165169  ·  PGC 165181  ·  PGC 169386  ·  PGC 41007  ·  PGC 41182
NGC 4461, Gary Imm
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NGC 4461

NGC 4461, Gary Imm
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NGC 4461



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This object is a lenticular galaxy located 65 million light years away in the constellation of Virgo at a declination of +13 degrees. This 11.2 magnitude galaxy with a surface brightness of 13.9 spans 4 arc-minutes in our apparent view, which corresponds to an actual diameter of 80,000 light years.

The galaxy consists of 3 distinct areas – the bright central core, an interesting mid-region bright disk with some detail, and a faint outer ring. Above and to the right lies the elliptical galaxy NGC 4458. This galaxy is closer at 55 million light years away and is too far from NGC 4461 to be interacting with it. I like the tiny distant galaxies seen through NGC 4458’s halo on the left side.
