Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Draco (Dra)  ·  Contains:  14 Dra)  ·  14 eta Dra  ·  Al Dhibain Prior  ·  Dhibain (η Dra  ·  HD146227  ·  HD146868  ·  HD147232  ·  HD147291  ·  HD147407  ·  HD148204  ·  HD148226  ·  HD148294  ·  HD148374  ·  HD148961  ·  HD148977  ·  HD149575  ·  HD149650  ·  HD149748  ·  HD149801  ·  HD149843  ·  HD150076  ·  HD150077  ·  HD150429  ·  HD150578  ·  HD150708  ·  HD151522  ·  HD152360  ·  HD152673  ·  HD152970  ·  HD153166  ·  And 20 more.
Eta Draconis Region, Adam Block
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Eta Draconis Region, Adam Block
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Acquisition details



Here is the region near Eta Draconis. I do not think this faint patch of dust has a catalogued name:

In addition to just offering a window to something rarely explored (deeply) piece of sky, I used the data for this image to demonstrate how to "naturally" bring out something that is practically the same brightness as the natural sky. It is also a 2 frame mosaic, so I had a chance to illustrate using Photometric Mosaic in my instructional video as well. Other than getting the thing to show up, not much other fancy processing- it is simply too faint!


Sky plot

Sky plot


Eta Draconis Region, Adam Block