Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  12.21  ·  172 Baucis  ·  46 Per)  ·  46 ksi Per  ·  California Nebula  ·  HD24516  ·  HD24664  ·  HD24747  ·  HD25152  ·  HD25308  ·  HD25329  ·  HD25454  ·  HD25538  ·  HD26103  ·  IC 2005  ·  IC 2027  ·  LBN 752  ·  LBN 756  ·  LDN 1456  ·  LDN 1462  ·  LDN 1463  ·  LDN 1464  ·  LDN 1469  ·  Menkib  ·  NGC 1499  ·  Sh2-220  ·  The star Menkib (ξ Per
NGC1499 ~ The California Nebula, Jay Hovnanian
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NGC1499 ~ The California Nebula

Revision title: It's Raining Today ....

NGC1499 ~ The California Nebula, Jay Hovnanian
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NGC1499 ~ The California Nebula

Revision title: It's Raining Today ....



Acquisition details



There's almost always something new when a target again presents itself in our night skies: a new scope ... a new camera ... more experience in processing ....  Last Fall, I captured this target from my Bortle 6-ish driveway, and at the time, it was my longest integration.  A few weeks ago, I attempted NGC1499 once again from a considerably darker site, albeit in battle with clouds and some sort of mist that softened the view.  Although I know it leaves something to be desired, I am not dissatisfied.  Onward we go ....  This data was processed yesterday with my friend and Astro mentor, the wonderfully talented Terry Hancock of www.downunderobservatory.com.



  • NGC1499 ~ The California Nebula, Jay Hovnanian
  • Final
    NGC1499 ~ The California Nebula, Jay Hovnanian


Title: It's Raining Today ....

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NGC1499 ~ The California Nebula, Jay Hovnanian