Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Andromeda (And)  ·  Contains:  Andromeda Galaxy  ·  HD3765  ·  HD4143  ·  HD4174  ·  HD4322  ·  M 110  ·  M 31  ·  M 32  ·  NGC 205  ·  NGC 206  ·  NGC 221  ·  NGC 224
M31 NGC 224 Andromeda, Tobiasz
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M31 NGC 224 Andromeda

M31 NGC 224 Andromeda, Tobiasz
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M31 NGC 224 Andromeda



Acquisition details



First light and deep sky object with my new refractor. I used two different cameras and migrated from MGEN3 and Handcontroller to Mini PC and Nina/PHD2/CPWI over the course of the year.

I wanted to add Dual Narrowband Data but because of the shockingly bad weather during the fall and winter I never got enough. Maybe next Fall!


Sky plot

Sky plot


M31 NGC 224 Andromeda, Tobiasz