Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  HD14124  ·  HD14172  ·  HD14173  ·  HD14552  ·  HD14558  ·  HD14579  ·  HD14695  ·  HD14749  ·  HD14794  ·  HD14795  ·  HD14817  ·  HD14914  ·  HD15022  ·  HD15069  ·  HD15102  ·  HD15238  ·  HD15239  ·  HD15250  ·  HD15382  ·  HD15522  ·  HD15557  ·  HD15558  ·  HD15570  ·  HD15629  ·  HD15640  ·  HD15665  ·  HD15785  ·  HD15786  ·  HD15829  ·  HD15851  ·  And 47 more.
The Heart Nebula - First Decent Photo From My Observatory., Patrick Manley
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The Heart Nebula - First Decent Photo From My Observatory.

The Heart Nebula - First Decent Photo From My Observatory., Patrick Manley
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The Heart Nebula - First Decent Photo From My Observatory.



Acquisition details



This was the first image I took after getting some of my observatory functional.  It is only about 60 minutes of h-alpha and using a ZWO ASI1600MM Pro.  It was a partially moony night if memory serves me correctly and taken back in 2018.  I used an older Tak FSQ 106 (borrowed from a friend) and was barely able to frame it up (it did have some kind of focal reducer I didn't record specs on it. - I think).

By far not my best image, but I'm very fond of this first accomplishment!!!

I do dedicate this first image of mine to my lovely wife Suzanne.  She has been so supportive of my odd hobby, and I'm so thankful for her.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Heart Nebula - First Decent Photo From My Observatory., Patrick Manley