Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  33 Per)  ·  35 Per  ·  37 Per  ·  39 Per  ·  Alchemb (α Per  ·  Algenib  ·  Marfak  ·  NGC 1245  ·  Part of the constellation Perseus (Per)  ·  The star 29 Per  ·  The star 31 Per  ·  The star 34 Per  ·  The star 36 Per  ·  The star Mirfak  ·  The star δ Per  ·  The star ι Per  ·  The star σ Per  ·  The star ψ Per
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Mel20 (Cr39 , OCL392, Alpha Persei MC, 2015.08.13, 67x2min=2h14min, ziel2), Carpe Noctem Astronomical Observations
Mel20 (Cr39 , OCL392, Alpha Persei MC, 2015.08.13, 67x2min=2h14min, ziel2)
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Mel20 (Cr39 , OCL392, Alpha Persei MC, 2015.08.13, 67x2min=2h14min, ziel2)

Getting plate-solving status, please wait...
Mel20 (Cr39 , OCL392, Alpha Persei MC, 2015.08.13, 67x2min=2h14min, ziel2), Carpe Noctem Astronomical Observations
Mel20 (Cr39 , OCL392, Alpha Persei MC, 2015.08.13, 67x2min=2h14min, ziel2)
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Mel20 (Cr39 , OCL392, Alpha Persei MC, 2015.08.13, 67x2min=2h14min, ziel2)



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Sky plot

Sky plot


Mel20 (Cr39 , OCL392, Alpha Persei MC, 2015.08.13, 67x2min=2h14min, ziel2), Carpe Noctem Astronomical Observations