Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)  ·  Contains:  B1  ·  B202  ·  B203  ·  B204  ·  B205  ·  B206  ·  HD20618  ·  HD20644  ·  HD20671  ·  HD20678  ·  HD20680  ·  HD20812  ·  HD20825  ·  HD20844  ·  HD20873  ·  HD20883  ·  HD20891  ·  HD20904  ·  HD20933  ·  HD20995  ·  HD21062  ·  HD21110  ·  HD21229  ·  HD21242  ·  HD21483  ·  HD21820  ·  HD21834  ·  HD21864  ·  HD278541  ·  HD278542  ·  And 38 more.
NGC1333, Ian McIntyre
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NGC1333, Ian McIntyre
Powered byPixInsight




Acquisition details



This is my second attempt at adding Ha narrowband data to an LRGB image using continuum subtraction. This went better than the previous attempt, but is still short of the quality I hoped to achieve. Acquisition was a bit challenging as my equipment seemed less than receptive to the cold weather (not to mention my feet and hands). I lost a significant amount of both green and Ha data due to random shutdowns. Which is unfortunate since the cold accompanied a rather rare string of clear nights in the Pacific Northwest. I was essentially splitting the nights between 2 region of the sky as this area disappears behind the trees around 1am. I also discovered a flaw of some sort in my red filter that resulted in a large crop from the bottom of the image. Thus the letterbox appearance.
It really needs more Ha data, but alas the streak of consecutive clear ended. Maybe I will add more later. What will certainly happen is I intend to revisit this area in the future during a travel session to an area with better seeing.
