Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  HD252924  ·  HD42088  ·  HD42400  ·  IC 2159  ·  LBN 854  ·  Monkey Head Nebula  ·  NGC 2174  ·  NGC 2175  ·  Sh2-252
NGC2175 Monkey Head Nebula in HOO+SII, Franklin Marek
NGC2175 Monkey Head Nebula in HOO+SII, Franklin Marek

NGC2175 Monkey Head Nebula in HOO+SII

NGC2175 Monkey Head Nebula in HOO+SII, Franklin Marek
NGC2175 Monkey Head Nebula in HOO+SII, Franklin Marek

NGC2175 Monkey Head Nebula in HOO+SII



Acquisition details



This has been on my list for awhile.  Unfortunately I had to toss out almost a full night of images do to high clouds.  That said I was amazed at how much surrounding structure in Ha there was for this target!  Most of the images I saw prior to shooting this seemed to show NGC2175 pretty isolated in the surrounding blackness.  That just isn't the case at all!  For the palette, after seeing the initial SHO image, with Ha completely dominating the entire scene I had to pivot what I wanted.  Ended up running the great ForaxxPaletteUtility script by PaulymanAstro as well as an HOO+SII blend I did myself.  Seeing both had their strengths and weakness I averaged them together to get my final palette (Foraxx had the nice bright blue center and HOO+SII had the great reds around the main bubble of nebula). 

There are some really great little things peaking through.  SH2-252E is really cool.  It looks like it is being ionized by UCAC4 553-022951 -- Eclipsing Binary but there are infact a lot of young stellar objects within there.  It is a true star forming region unto itself!

Another really weird structure is just listed as WISEA J060825.57+210456.8 Infrared Source, but it does not look like anything i've seen and it is very faint on the IRSA finder charts as well.  It is really small, just 12"x7" at its biggest.  So if anyone has a big scope on a mountain they want to take an image of I'd be excited to see it   06h08m25.5706s, +21d04m56.889s

One other intriguing area are the giant loops of Ha getting blown to the right in the image (north) of the entire structure which seem not commonly seen in images of this particular target along with a shock front above (east) the main structure.

Video I made on this image: https://youtu.be/irp9-jLU1TA

Comments always welcome!!

WISEA J060825.57+210456.8
WISEA J060825.57+210456.8.jpg


Loops and Shocks



  • Final
    NGC2175 Monkey Head Nebula in HOO+SII, Franklin Marek
  • NGC2175 Monkey Head Nebula in HOO+SII, Franklin Marek

Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC2175 Monkey Head Nebula in HOO+SII, Franklin Marek