Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Lyra (Lyr)  ·  Contains:  IC 1296  ·  M 57  ·  NGC 6720  ·  Ring Nebula
Messier 57 - Ring Nebula, Jeff Kisslinger
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Messier 57 - Ring Nebula

Messier 57 - Ring Nebula, Jeff Kisslinger
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Messier 57 - Ring Nebula



Acquisition details



I shot this target last August and never processed anything because I planned to capture Ha data, but unfortunately ran out of clear nights. This was also the first image I captured at f10 with my iOptron CEM70. The few times I attempted this focal length with the CGX mount it didn't go well, I ended up having to toss most of my subs because the mount would jump and the backlash was terrible. 

Anyway, the image is way overexposed because I wasn't exactly sure how long to run my subs. In the end, it turned out OK. Definitely a learning experience running things at f10 
