Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Puppis (Pup)  ·  Contains:  PGC 3085177  ·  PGC 642945  ·  The star r Pup  ·  r Pup
Gum 10 and the near objects, a more detailed view., Claudio Tenreiro
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Gum 10 and the near objects, a more detailed view.

Gum 10 and the near objects, a more detailed view., Claudio Tenreiro
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Gum 10 and the near objects, a more detailed view.



Acquisition details



This is my second serious image with this scope, and I have been solving a few issues, and thanks to @Bernd Hübel to indicate me another source of problems, that was the true backfocus of the camera, I had a little extra spacer, so this time I removed it and I got some improvement. Still I get some weird pattern from the spider veins, buy one step at a time I will get there . With the camera, no way, it can not be cooled below cero Celsius, so...it is what it is, and I can not send it back now, It took me a long time to do the actual tests.

This is the second time I go into the area, the last time I did a wide field image and now I did focus on GUM 10 and other small structures. It is amazing the small objects you get also in your images, and I believe that is why I am still enchanted by amateur astronomy, to get amused by all these small wanders.
In the image we have some VdBH objects such as VdbH9b A, and 9a

Another small objects are the Bran objects, such as Bran 126
Bran 126.jpg

And Bran 124a
bran 124a.jpg

However, one tiny object that recall my attention was ESO 370-4, it looks quite different from the neighbour stars, or the nebulas, and so on. The information I got, from Aladin is that is a HII region, but it looks tiny.


There is some information on Aladin for this object, a star formation region, studied as an infrared source.
