Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn)  ·  Contains:  HD106420  ·  HD106556  ·  HD107275  ·  HD107610  ·  M 106  ·  NGC 4217  ·  NGC 4220  ·  NGC 4226  ·  NGC 4231  ·  NGC 4232  ·  NGC 4248  ·  NGC 4258  ·  NGC 4346
Messier 106, Jeff Kisslinger
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Messier 106

Messier 106, Jeff Kisslinger
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Messier 106



Acquisition details



M106 is such a beautiful galaxy. I shot this target first using the Optolong L-Pro filter which I normally use in my Bortle 7 skies for broadband targets. I was reading a thread on Cloudynights.com where someone was describing how they do not use light pollution filters because they block certain wavelengths of light which impacts the color of the final image. I was curious if this was the case, so midway through my imaging I decided to swap the L-Pro out for a UVIR filter. After looking at the data, I could see some color differences. I think to notice any significant differences between the filters, I would need more imaging time and darker skies. Based on this short test, I'm not sure if I will keep using a light pollution filter or not. When using the UVIR filter, I needed to shorten my exposures and this obviously pushed my laptop processor to the max with the extra frames.
