Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Auriga (Aur)  ·  Contains:  Flaming Star Nebula  ·  IC 405  ·  NGC 1893  ·  The star 14 Aur  ·  The star 16 Aur  ·  The star 17 Aur  ·  The star 18 Aur  ·  The star 19 Aur
The Flaming Star & Tadpoles Nebulae (IC 405 & IC 410) widefield, Adam Lewczuk
The Flaming Star & Tadpoles Nebulae (IC 405 & IC 410) widefield
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The Flaming Star & Tadpoles Nebulae (IC 405 & IC 410) widefield

The Flaming Star & Tadpoles Nebulae (IC 405 & IC 410) widefield, Adam Lewczuk
The Flaming Star & Tadpoles Nebulae (IC 405 & IC 410) widefield
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The Flaming Star & Tadpoles Nebulae (IC 405 & IC 410) widefield



Acquisition details



4 hours of data from Pruszkow (Bortle 6) with Askar FRA400 plus 0.7 reducer.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Flaming Star & Tadpoles Nebulae (IC 405 & IC 410) widefield, Adam Lewczuk