Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  NGC 869  ·  NGC 884  ·  The star 7Per  ·  chi Persei Cluster  ·  h Persei Cluster
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Double Star Cluster, Emanuele La Barbera
Double Star Cluster
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Double Star Cluster

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Double Star Cluster, Emanuele La Barbera
Double Star Cluster
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Double Star Cluster



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h + χ Per, known as the double cluster of Perseus, is a pair of two very bright open clusters, visible in the constellation of Perseus. With an apparent magnitude of 4.3-4.4, it is known as far back as 130 BC. Under a fairly dark sky, it is possible to observe it with the naked eye without difficulty. In our eyes, the cluster appears almost like an "8" traced in the sky, with a non-stellar nature.

Both clusters h + χ Per (known by the abbreviations NGC 869 and NGC 884) are located in the arm of Perseus, immediately outside the arm of Orion, where the solar system is located. The distance from the Earth is about 7200-7500 light years and although from the Earth they seem very close to each other, in reality the two clusters are 800 light years apart.

In the two clusters, especially for NGC 869, there are several orange and above all blue stars, which allows us to estimate an age between 19 and 12.5 million years for both formations.
