Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)  ·  Contains:  49 Tau  ·  54 Tau)  ·  61 Tau)  ·  65 Tau)  ·  74 Tau)  ·  77 Tau)  ·  78 Tau)  ·  87 Tau)  ·  88 Tau  ·  94 Tau  ·  Cor Tauri  ·  Hyadum I (γ Tau  ·  Hyadum II (δ1 Tau  ·  Hyadum IV (θ2 Tau  ·  NGC 1647  ·  NGC 1662  ·  Oculus Boreus (ε Tau  ·  Parilicium (α Tau  ·  Part of the constellation Taurus (Tau)  ·  The star Ain  ·  The star Aldebaran  ·  The star Alkalbain III (κ1 Tau  ·  The star Chamukuy  ·  The star Hyadum III (θ1 Tau  ·  The star Prima Hyadum  ·  The star Secunda Hyadum  ·  The star d Tau  ·  The star μ Tau  ·  The star τ Tau
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Hyades, Sergio Díaz
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Hyades, Sergio Díaz
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Acquisition details



The Hyades, located at 153 ly, is the nearest open cluster, and from our perspective appears to join the even nearer and brighter star Aldebaran. Together they give shape to the head of Taurus, a prominent asterism in the zodiac. 

This was the result of an unplanned session during our trip to La Palma. Some nights we had only short intervals without clouds, or before a dense fog surrounded us. I didn't expect to record much nebulosity with this integration time but gladly it showed up, maybe a bit shyly, but enough to give the shot some depth. Anyway the leading role here is for Aldebaran and the Hyades and their beautiful colors.

20x 5s & 15x 90s, ISO 1600, f/2.8

PS. The bright spike at ε Tau is due to a scratch of the sensor of this (2nd-handed) camera, I think of it as a scar and left it untouched. Hopefully it gives the image some character.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Hyades, Sergio Díaz