Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  21 Sco)  ·  22 Sco  ·  5 Oph  ·  Cor Scorpii  ·  IC 4603  ·  IC 4604  ·  IC 4605  ·  Kalb al Akrab (α Sco  ·  M 4  ·  NGC 6121  ·  NGC 6144  ·  The star Antares  ·  The star i Sco  ·  The star ρ Oph  ·  Vespertilio  ·  rho Oph Nebula
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Antares Region in RGB, Ian Parr
Antares Region in RGB
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Antares Region in RGB

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Antares Region in RGB, Ian Parr
Antares Region in RGB
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Antares Region in RGB



Acquisition details



A very busy region around Antares with its pronounced bow shock wave. Two globular clusters and a swathe of bright reflection nebulae lights up a field bisected by regions of cold dark gas.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Antares Region in RGB, Ian Parr