Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  Lagoon Nebula  ·  M 20  ·  M 21  ·  M 8  ·  NGC 6514  ·  NGC 6523  ·  NGC 6526  ·  NGC 6530  ·  NGC 6531  ·  NGC 6544  ·  NGC 6546  ·  The star 4Sgr  ·  The star 7Sgr  ·  The star 9Sgr  ·  Trifid Nebula
M8 & M20 The Lagoon & Trifid Nebulae, Greg McKay
M8 & M20 The Lagoon & Trifid Nebulae
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M8 & M20 The Lagoon & Trifid Nebulae

M8 & M20 The Lagoon & Trifid Nebulae, Greg McKay
M8 & M20 The Lagoon & Trifid Nebulae
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M8 & M20 The Lagoon & Trifid Nebulae



Acquisition details



This is a collaborative project with fellow astrobin user @mackiedlm who's other fine work can be found here: https://www.astrobin.com/users/mackiedlm/

I acquired all of this data over the course of one evening/morning on June 13th & 14th, 2021.

Here are my details on the acquisition of the data.

StellarVue SV70T APO, ZWO 1600mm camera, Baader Filters, CGX Mount, Captured using NINA.

10x 60second - Lum

30x 120seconds ea. - RGB

10x 300seconds Ha

Total Integration Time = 4hours

- SQL Reading 20.90 85°f

David's notes on the post-processing of the data:

Channel combine to RGB- I used a Pixelmath combine of 70%Ha and 30% lum as the red - this was to start reducing the stars.


Light HT to stretch

Starnet to remove stars and make starmask

CT for contarst and sat on starless

SCNR and CT for sat on stars

Recombined using Chanel combine

Convolution to blur

CT to increase sat

Then on the the Ha_Lum (70/30) ;



HT, Ct

LHE to improve contrast

Then LRGB to combine the 70/30 lum with the blurred RGB

some minor tweaks in CT to improve balance

I then saved as a 16b tiff and went in to Photoshop where I did a selective high pass routine to enhance the structure in the nebs then saved as final


Sky plot

Sky plot


M8 & M20 The Lagoon & Trifid Nebulae, Greg McKay