Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  37 Cyg)  ·  NGC 6910  ·  The star Sadr (γ Cyg
NGC 6910 (Inchworm Cluster), Rob
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NGC 6910 (Inchworm Cluster)



Acquisition details



This is probably an unusual framing for this area, but it's intentional.  I didn't want that butterfly looking thing to overshadow the entire image.  There are more dark dust nebulae towards the bottom, as well as some Oiii regions around the cluster itself.  They will require more data acquisition to bring out though.

I lost about 1.5hrs at the beginning of the night due to some equipment issues.  By the time I everything was sorted, clouds rolled in for about 45 minutes.  Then the session was cut short due to clouds popping up directly East of me and moving west, the only clouds over the entire state.... 🤬  I hope I get another opportunity to add more to this before it's gone for the season.  The moon really impacted what Oiii signal I might've picked up.  I'm glad the halo around Sadr turned out to not be terribly huge!


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 6910 (Inchworm Cluster), Rob