Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Pegasus (Peg)  ·  Contains:  NGC 7327  ·  NGC 7331  ·  NGC 7333  ·  NGC 7335  ·  NGC 7336  ·  NGC 7337  ·  NGC 7338
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NGC7331 Lum channel with BlurXTerminator, a Game-Changer., John C. Yu
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NGC7331 Lum channel with BlurXTerminator, a Game-Changer.

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NGC7331 Lum channel with BlurXTerminator, a Game-Changer., John C. Yu
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NGC7331 Lum channel with BlurXTerminator, a Game-Changer.



Acquisition details



The BlurXTerminator (s:BXT) is really a game-changer. It overcomes the restrictions of unstable seeings and allows us to explore the every potential of collected data. The more data you collect, the better result it shall give.

I used to spend hours on deconvolution, scratching my head on the parameters and masks, not mentioning the time taken by testing on previews. But today it only took me about less than half an hour to received a good decon result. This features really saves me lot of time, offering a easy approach for people who really addicted to sharp imagine like me.

More tests on BXT is on the way,  just to make sure it does not DRAW it, but use some way in decon.

The data was collected and shared by Abner @Liangwt , much appreciated it.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC7331 Lum channel with BlurXTerminator, a Game-Changer., John C. Yu