Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  41 the01 Ori  ·  42 c Ori  ·  43 the02 Ori  ·  44 iot Ori  ·  45 Ori  ·  De Mairan's nebula  ·  Great Orion Nebula  ·  Hatysa  ·  LBN 974  ·  LDN 1640  ·  Lower Sword  ·  M 42  ·  M 43  ·  Mairan's Nebula  ·  NGC 1973  ·  NGC 1975  ·  NGC 1976  ·  NGC 1977  ·  NGC 1980  ·  NGC 1981  ·  NGC 1982  ·  Orion Nebula  ·  Sh2-279  ·  Sh2-281  ·  The star 42Ori  ·  The star 45Ori  ·  The star θ1Ori  ·  The star θ2Ori  ·  The star ιOri  ·  Upper Sword  ·  And 1 more.
Revisiting an old friend, dusty M42 and Running Man in LRGB., Serge Caballero
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Revisiting an old friend, dusty M42 and Running Man in LRGB.

Revisiting an old friend, dusty M42 and Running Man in LRGB., Serge Caballero
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Revisiting an old friend, dusty M42 and Running Man in LRGB.



Acquisition details



I've caught photons on this many times with different OTAs, different cameras (the first time on Ektachrome in an old-school match-needle Pentax SLR), and different filter combinations, but this is the first time I was able to pull out this much dust; and from a suburban Bortle 5, at that! Had planned on blending Ha and OIII in, but I may just leave it as is and move on to another target as soon as I have clear skies again.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Revisiting an old friend, dusty M42 and Running Man in LRGB., Serge Caballero