Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  HD182272  ·  HD182379  ·  HD182488  ·  HD182567  ·  HD183101  ·  HD183364  ·  HD183508  ·  HD184057  ·  HD184471  ·  HD184499  ·  LBN 150  ·  Sh2-96
SH2-96, Mike Hamende
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SH2-96, Mike Hamende
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Acquisition details



Took a bit of a leap recently.  I did not want to wait until I retired and moved to image under dark skies so I picked up some overtime and sent a rig to StarFront Observatories.  My rig was installed just before the full moon so I started with narrowband.  I should have spent more time trying to frame this target.  I knew there would be some Oiii here but none of the surveys I looked at showed any so I took my best guess.  I've since learned some new albeit convoluted techniques for framing that I'll try next time.

The moon has been rising later and later recently and I've been testing some LRGB, so far that data looks incredible. Let's hope I can do it justice.


Sky plot

Sky plot


SH2-96, Mike Hamende