Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Aquarius (Aqr)  ·  Contains:  HD212743  ·  HD212783  ·  HD212820  ·  HD212949  ·  HD212970  ·  HD212980  ·  HD213032  ·  HD213055  ·  HD213056  ·  HD213069  ·  HD213070  ·  HD213168  ·  HD213328  ·  HD213432  ·  HD213452  ·  HD213487  ·  HD213500  ·  HD213538  ·  Helix Nebula  ·  NGC 7293
The Helix Nebula - finally - and at last - never thought I would image this from here!, Simon
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The Helix Nebula - finally - and at last - never thought I would image this from here!

The Helix Nebula - finally - and at last - never thought I would image this from here!, Simon
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The Helix Nebula - finally - and at last - never thought I would image this from here!



Acquisition details



A number of you will recall that I discovered a few months ago, that there is an area of sky here which goes much lower down for imaging, than I originally thought! Previously I believed I could only get down to -17 Dec, but now I can do -24 Dec! However, there is one big caveat - I can only image in this part of the sky for about 1.5 hours because of houses and trees in the way. This means, that my dream to image the Helix nebula with my own gear was realised last night. The clouds did part at 1.00 a.m. as they said, and so I imaged this iconic object, whilst being bleary-eyed, and tried to get as many 1 minute subs as I could - preferring this method to build up the signal, rather than longer subs  - bearing in mind my limited sky window. I am so pleased with what I have got - and this is a fairly big crop. Drawing out that very faint nebulosity on the south side of the helix without making it looking bad, was tough. If the clouds had parted sooner, I might have managed to get another 30 minutes worth of data, but I am not complaining! Good old RASA, no real chance without it... All the best everyone. Simon


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Helix Nebula - finally - and at last - never thought I would image this from here!, Simon